
Our latest press releases on important news and events relating to immigration detention in the United States

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The death toll in ICE custody rises to 194, groups demand an immediate investigation

July 25, 2019

Lumpkin, Georgia —Project South, Georgia Detention Watch, and Detention Watch Network are demanding an immediate investigation and public release of the findings related to the death of Pedro Arriago-Santoya. Arriago-Santoya, 44, died on July 24 while in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody after being detained at the Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, Georgia.

Japanese Americans to protest the detention of migrant children at Ft Sill Oklahoma

June 14, 2019

Washington, DC -- In response to the news that the Trump administration will be using Fort Sill, a U.S. Army base once used as an internment camp for Japanese Americans during World War II, to detain up to 1,400 immigrant children, Tsuru For Solidarity, Detention Watch Network, Densho and ACLU Oklahoma announced the following peaceful protest event at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and issued the following statements:

Dr. Satsuki Ina, co-chair of Tsuru For Solidarity said:

Advocates demand answers and justice amid latest loss of life in ICE custody

June 3, 2019

El Paso, Texas — The Detained Migrant Solidarity Committee (DMSC) and Detention Watch Network are demanding an immediate investigation and public release of the findings related to the death of a transgender asylum seeking woman, Johana Medina Leon. Leon, 25, died on June 1 while in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody after being detained at the Otero County Processing Center in El Paso, Texas.

Trump Administration: 80,000 people in ICE and CBP detention facilities

May 31, 2019

Washington, DC — On a press call today, the Trump Administration shockingly released new details on the unprecedented growth of the immigration detention apparatus, revealing that the U.S. government is now collectively detaining 80,000 people.

Silky Shah, Executive Director of Detention Watch Network, issued the following statement in response:

“The United States is grossly obsessed with incarceration, and there is no more horrifying proponent of a system designed to strip brown and black people of their dignity than Trump.

Second death in Arizona detention centers in just a month as Trump looks to expand the system through an expedited funding request

May 7, 2019

Phoenix, AZ — Detention Watch Network, Indivisible Project and Faith in Action’s immigrants’ rights program, LA RED are demanding an immediate investigation and public release of the findings related to the death of Simratpal Singh. Singh, 21, died on May 3 while in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody after being detained at the La Paz County Jail.

Defund Hate Coalition Rejects Calls for Additional ICE and CBP Funding

May 1, 2019

Washington, DC — Today the Trump Administration sent Congress a $4.5 billion supplemental funding package. The expedited funding request, to increase resources yet again for this fiscal year, will expand the already massive immigration enforcement apparatus that tears apart families, further militarizes our southern border, and violates human rights with impunity.

The Defund Hate Coalition issued the following statement urging Congress to reject the supplemental funding:
